The RTCC is a small club and we welcome new members. Your membership impacts the future of the breed and its National Club.  The CKC works with National breed clubs on important issues such as the Breed Standard and the Rules of Eligibility. Join with us to promote and protect our breed.

Download – RTCC  Membership Form Here


Why join the RTCC?


Membership gives you access to other people who share a passion for the breed. Share your collective knowledge and experience with other members.


Membership gives you a voice in encouraging and promoting responsible pet ownership and breeding practices in Canada.


Membership gives you opportunity to join in the fun by participating in club sponsored activities, contests and events.


Membership gives you access to “Members Only” Newsletter full of breed specific stories and events and keeps you up-to-date with the latest happenings in the Rat Terrier community.


Membership gives you opportunity to qualify for Members ONLY annual Club Awards.